Content copyright 1997 Project SeaWolf Coastal Protection.

All rights reserved.

How To Help

Help restore the clean and abundant ecosystems that the Pacific Northwest Wildlife needs to survive and thrive!

First: Do No Harm
Take these few simple steps in your daily life to make sure you are not doing anything that will hurt Pacific Northwest environment.

    Conserve water. Turn off the water while you’re brushing your teeth,         take shorter showers, and skip watering your lawn. More water in our rivers means more water for salmon – and more food for orcas! 

2.     Conserve electricity. Use less electricity so the dams use less water. More water for salmon means more salmon for orcas and other sealife.

3.    Put waste in its place. Properly dispose of litter, garbage and pet waste – and check your car engine to prevent oil leaks – so these materials don’t end up in Puget Sound.

4.    Choose non-toxic, environmentally friendly household and yard products. Even far from the water, nearly everything that goes on your lawn and down your household drains washes into storm drains and creeks, and eventually ends up in the sea.

5.    Use less gas. Carpool, use mass transit, ride your bike or walk to help create a cleaner environment.

   Reduce, reuse, recycle. Saving resources makes for a better environment for our wildlife – and ourselves.  Avoid single use plastics whenever possible: straws, lids, plastic ties and bags can be deadly to all wildlife.

7.    Make informed decisions about the seafood you eat. Choose sustainably caught and harvested seafood. Or even better go vegetarian or vegan (it minimizes your negative impact on the environment, animals, and your health). 

   Follow whale-watching guidelines. Be Whale Wise: if you’re going whale watching, do so from a safe distance; or even better, from the shore.

 Get Your Free Salmon Friendly Lawn Sign. Choose to eliminate the use of toxic fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides.   The colorful signs are designed to be placed on a small stake on your lawn, and will help and promote increased awareness about the problem of toxic gardening run-off in your neighborhood. Click here for more information.

Second: Become and advocate
Talk to people, write letters, sign petitions, and VOTE!
(Join Project Seawolf Coastal Protection on facebook for ongoing news and notifications).

1.    Share what you know with family and friends!  Together, we can all make a difference and help save our Southern Resident Orcas as well as preserve and restore our beautiful  Pacific Northwest ecosystems.

2.     Help write letters to facilitate Lolita “Tokitae’s” retirement. We need to send letters both to APHIS, the U.S. government agency that’s supposed to enforce the Animal Welfare Act, and to the USDA, which oversees APHIS.  A total of six letters should be sent to help retire Lolita based on the Miami Seaquarium’s violations of the Animal Welfare Act: three letters to APHIS officials and three letters to USDA officials. Click here to get the info on where and what to write. 

3.    Sign any or all of the following petitions;

Stand with us and support removing the four lower Snake River dams                        to save the Southern Resident Killer Whales from being dammed to extinction. 

Release Lolita and bring her home to Washington State 

Help Bring Lolita’s Plight to Light

Seaworld: End Your Captive Orca Breeding Program

Say No to Orca Circuses

Orcas and dolphins are both cetacean’s.  If you’d like to go the extra mile and help the orcas’ cousins please consider also signing the below initiative.

Stop the Slaughter and Captivity of Dolphins

Learn more and get involved.  Increase your knowledge, join and support the many groups in the Seattle that are working to save the orcas - and salmon too.  Check out the upcoming activities listed on our facebook page that you can get involved in.  Learn more and become an active sea-life and wildlife defender in your own community.

Donate to Project SeaWolf. Your very generous donation will help to ensure that the Pacific Northwest continues to be protected by Project SeaWolf by primarily focusing on wildlife and local ecosystems preservation and expansion. Please click below to contribute! Your very generous donation is greatly appreciated, thank you for making a difference!